BETWEEN/AND predicate in Search condition in DB2 for i SQL
BETWEEN AND predicate in Search condition in DB2 for i SQL, SQL Tutorial, IBMi DB2, SB2 for i SQL, SQL, DB2
BETWEEN AND predicate in Search condition in DB2 for i SQL

We can use various predicates in our WHERE clause condition such as BETWEEN, IN, EXISTS, IS NULL, LIKE apart from basic comparison predicates such as =, >,< etc.

  • We can also use multiple conditions in WHERE clause.
  • A search condition can contain a full select too.
  • BETWEEN/AND predicate

    It is used to get the rows that falls between two values. For Example, refer to the Customer table and find out all the customer ids between 2 and 4. This will list out 2 and 4 boundary ids as well which means it in Inclusive.

    SELECT * FROM customer WHERE CUSTID between 2 and 4

    The above query can be written as below as well.

    SELECT * FROM customer WHERE CUSTID >= 2 and  custid <= 4


    CUSTID   CUSTNAME              CUSTCITY              CUSTSTATE             CUSTCOUNTRY
         2   Anil                  PATNA                 BIHAR                 INDIA      
         3   Dhanraj               HISAR                 HARYANA               INDIA      
         4   Udeep                 KOCHI                 KERELA                INDIA      

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