How SQL multiple Join Works in DB2 for i SQL

How SQL multiple Join Works in DB2 for i SQL
How SQL multiple Join Works, SQL Multiple Joins,Join multiple tables using both INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN, Join multiple tables using INNER JOIN, Join multiple tables using LEFT JOIN, sql, sql tutorial, SQL JOIN, DB2 for i sql, IBMidb2
How SQL multiple Join Works

SQL Multiple Joins

A SQL query that contains the same or different join types, which are used more than once. Therefore, we can combine the multiple tables. So For Joining 3 tables let's say 2 joins are required i.e. one less than the number of tables.

Example using Multiple Joins

To understand using multiple joins let us first create some database tables:

  • Student table:
  • -- Create Table
    CREATE TABLE Student (rollno integer, 
    Name char(20),                        
    subjectid integer)                    
    --Insert Values
    --select * from student
    ROLLNO   NAME                      SUBJECTID
         1   Ankur                           201
         2   Rahul                           202
         3   Raman                           203
         4   Vimal                           204
         5   Samar                           290
  • Subject table:
  • -- Create Table
    CREATE TABLE Subject(subjectid Integer,   
    SubjectName char(20),                     
    SubjectTeacher char(20))                  
    --Insert Values
    INSERT INTO subject VALUES    
    --select * from subject
          201   PHYSICS               Anupam        
          202   CHEMISTRY             Nakul         
          203   MATHS                 Amit          
          204   BIOLOGY               Mohan         
          205   HINDI                 Venkatesh     
          206   ENGLISH               Venugopal     
          207   SANSKRIT              Krishnakant   
  • Grade table:
  • -- Create Table
    CREATE TABLE Grade(rollno Integer,
    Subjectid integer,                
    marks integer)                    
    --Insert Values
    --select * from grade
    ROLLNO       SUBJECTID           MARKS 
         1             201              50 
         2             202              60 
         3             203              70   

    Join multiple tables using INNER JOIN

    Example: Get the Student name, along with their subject name, Subject teacher and grade.

    SELECT, su.SubjectName, su.SubjectTeacher, g.marks  
    student s                                                  
    INNER JOIN subject su                                      
    on S.subjectid  = su.subjectid                             
    INNER JOIN grade  g                                        
    on s.rollno = g.rollno                                     
    NAME                  SUBJECTNAME           SUBJECTTEACHER                MARKS
    Ankur                 PHYSICS               Anupam                           50
    Rahul                 CHEMISTRY             Nakul                            60
    Raman                 MATHS                 Amit                             70


  • At first the INNER JOIN between STUDENT and SUBJECT table will derive the matched rows between these two tables and formed a virtual table.
  • Now, this formed virtual table gets combined with GRADE table using second INNER JOIN to derive the matched rows between the previous result se i.e. virtual table with the grade table.
  • Join multiple tables using LEFT JOIN

    Example: Get the names of all the student even if they did not get assigned to any subject or did not get any marks in the assigned subject.

    SELECT, su.SubjectName, su.SubjectTeacher, g.marks  
    student s                                                  
    LEFT JOIN subject su                                       
    on S.subjectid  = su.subjectid                             
    LEFT JOIN grade  g                                         
    on s.rollno = g.rollno                                     
    NAME                  SUBJECTNAME           SUBJECTTEACHER                MARKS 
    Ankur                 PHYSICS               Anupam                           50 
    Rahul                 CHEMISTRY             Nakul                            60 
    Raman                 MATHS                 Amit                             70 
    Vimal                 BIOLOGY               Mohan                              -
    Samar                 -                     -                                  -


  • At first the LEFT JOIN between STUDENT and SUBJECT table will derive all the rows from left table i.e. STUDENT table even if they are not present in right table i.e. subject table and set the NULL values to column SubjectName and SubjectTeacher for subjectIds not available in the right subject table and creates a virtual table.
  • Now, this formed virtual table gets combined with GRADE table using second LEFT JOIN to derive all the rows from left derived virtual table and assigned marks column from right table to NULL if any rollno is not present in grade table w.r.t the derived virtual table in left.
  • Join multiple tables using both INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN

    Example: Get the names of all the student even if they did not get any marks in the assigned subject.

    SELECT, su.SubjectName, su.SubjectTeacher, g.marks  
    student s                                                  
    INNER JOIN subject su                                       
    on S.subjectid  = su.subjectid                             
    LEFT JOIN grade  g                                         
    on s.rollno = g.rollno                                     
    NAME                  SUBJECTNAME           SUBJECTTEACHER                MARKS  
    Ankur                 PHYSICS               Anupam                           50  
    Rahul                 CHEMISTRY             Nakul                            60  
    Raman                 MATHS                 Amit                             70  
    Vimal                 BIOLOGY               Mohan                              - 


  • At first the INNER JOIN between STUDENT and SUBJECT table will derive the matched rows between these two tables and formed a virtual table.
  • Now, this formed virtual table gets combined with GRADE table using second LEFT JOIN to derive all the rows from left derived virtual table and assigned marks column from right table to NULL if any rollno is not present in grade table w.r.t the derived virtual table in left.
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