AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 27

AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 27
AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 27, interactive job, qinter, qspl, subsystem, spool subsystem, RTVMBRD, primary file in rpg, secondary file in rpg, fully procedural file in rpg, SETON LR vs return, CPF0864, monmsg, end of file in CL, opnqryf vs logical file, access path vs dynamic select, overrides, query/400, wrkqry
AS400 Interview Questions and Answers part 27

Q1:What is the CL command to access Query/400?

Answer: WRKQRY.

Q2:What is the purpose of Overrides?

Answer: The basic purpose of overrides is to temporarily change the attributes of a file. Therefore, you do not need to create a permanent files for every combination of attributes you need. Overrides gives the flexibility to use existing files and change their attributes at run time.

Q3:What is the difference between access path and Dynamic select?

Answer: Access path occurs before the file is read and Dynamic select occurs whenever the program reads the file.

Q4:What is the difference between OPNQRYF and logical file?

Answer: Logical file have permanent object/access path on the system however OPNQRYF creates temporary access path.

Q5:How can you identify end of file in CL program?

Answer: MONMSG(CPF0864).

Q6:What is the difference between SETON LR and RETURN?

Answer: SETON LR will close all the files in the program at the end however, RETURN will keep all the files remain open.

Q7:What is the difference between Fully procedural file and Primary file?

Answer: In primary file, the records will be read and processed from start to end however in fully procedural file, the records can be read and processed in any order.

Q8:How many primary and secondary files allowed in a program?

Answer: Only one primary file and more than one secondary files are allowed in a RPG program.

Q9:What is the purpose of RTVMBRD command?

Answer: to access the member related information

Q10:Define an interactive job?


  • User request the job.
  • Job is created. (job name and attributes assigned)
  • Job is placed on a job queue.
  • Subsystem QINTER picks the job from the job queue and starts it.
  • Output generated by the batch job is placed on an output queue.
  • Spool subsystem QSPL prints the output on the output queue.
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