Reading flat file in CL program

Reading the flat file in the CL program.
Reading flat file in CL program, CRTPF, DSPFD, DCLF, DCL , Receive File (RCVF), Open File Identifier (OPNID), MONMSG , CPF0864, GOTO ,  ibmi, as400 and sql tricks, as400 tutorial, ibmi tutorial
Reading flat file in CL program

Creating flat file

The “CRTPF” command is used to create a flat file (physical file without any source but with a record length) on IBM i.

                          Create Physical File (CRTPF)                        
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                   
 File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILE           FLATFILE1                     
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                  *CURLIB                    
 Source file  . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE        QDDSSRC                      
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                  *LIBL                      
 Source member  . . . . . . . . . SRCMBR         *FILE                        
 Record length, if no DDS . . . . RCDLEN         80                           
 Generation severity level  . . . GENLVL         20                           
 Flagging severity level  . . . . FLAG           0                            
 File type  . . . . . . . . . . . FILETYPE       *DATA                        
 Member, if desired . . . . . . . MBR            *FILE                        
 Text 'description' . . . . . . . TEXT           *SRCMBRTXT                   

Here, In the file parameter provide the file name i.e, FLATFILE1, and provide a record number for example 80 in RCDLEN parameter.

CL program for Reading the flat file

              DCL        VAR(&VAR1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(80)                               
              DCL        VAR(&VAR2) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                               
              DCL        VAR(&VAR3) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                               
              DCLF       FILE(FLATFILE1) OPNID(FL1)                                   
  READ:       RCVF       OPNID(FL1)                                                   
              MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(END))                        
              CHGVAR     VAR(&VAR1) VALUE(&FL1_FLATFILE1)                             
              CHGVAR     VAR(&VAR2) VALUE(%SST(&FL1_FLATFILE1 1 10))                  
              CHGVAR     VAR(&VAR3) VALUE(%SST(&FL1_FLATFILE1 11 10))                 
              GOTO       CMDLBL(READ)                                                 

Explanation of the above code:

              DCL        VAR(&VAR1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(80)                               
              DCL        VAR(&VAR2) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                               
              DCL        VAR(&VAR3) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10)                                

The DCL command is used in CLP programs to declare the program variables.

              DCLF       FILE(FLATFILE1) OPNID(FL1)                  

This DCLF command is used to declare file named FLATFILE1 in cl program with open identifier FL1.

 READ:       RCVF       OPNID(FL1)     

The Receive File (RCVF) command is used to receive data from a database file. Here, Open File Identifier (OPNID) parameter to give each file its own unique id. I just use FL1.

              MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(END))  

Here, the MONMSG command follows the Receive File (RCVF) command and, therefore, is only monitoring for messages sent by the RCVF command. this example specifies MSGID(CPF0864), the MONMSG monitors for this condition. When it receives the message, the GOTO CMDLBL(END) command is run. Please note that CPF0864 denotes End of file reach.

              CHGVAR     VAR(&VAR1) VALUE(&FL1_FLATFILE1)

&VAR1 is set to the value of the variable &FL1_FLATFILE1

              CHGVAR     VAR(&VAR2) VALUE(%SST(&FL1_FLATFILE1 1 10))

&VAR2 is set to the value of the variable &FL1_FLATFILE1 for 1st 10 positions.

              CHGVAR     VAR(&VAR3) VALUE(%SST(&FL1_FLATFILE1 11 10))

&VAR3 is set to the value of the variable &FL1_FLATFILE1 for 10 positions start from 11th position.

Please note that, FL1_ is specified for each field of a file with CHGVAR command just because we used open id FL1_ with file FLATFILE1 during declare and open of the file.

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