Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP) in IBM i (AS400)

Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP) in IBM i (AS400)
Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP) in IBM i (AS400),  STRTCPFTP, INTNETADR, ipv4, SSL, TLS, mapping parameters of STRTCPFTP, ipv6, port, ccsid, seccnn, TBLFTPOUT,TBLFTPIN, Outgoing EBCDIC/ASCII table, Incoming ASCII/EBCDIC table, Secure connection, 990 port, Coded character set identifier, 21 port,Internet address, remote system, ftp, file transfer protocol, ibmi, as400, iseries, systemi, as400 tutorial, ibmi tutorial, as400 and SQL tricks, FTP tutorial, ftp on ibmi, ftp on as400
Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP) in IBM i (AS400)


The STRTCPFTP command is used to start the File Transfer protocol (FTP) client application that transfer file bwtween multiple systems using TCP/IP protocol.

                     Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP)                     
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Remote system  . . . . . . . . . RMTSYS       >                                                          
 Coded character set identifier   CCSID          *DFT                                  
 Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PORT           *DFT                           
 Secure connection  . . . . . . . SECCNN         *DFT                           
                            Additional Parameters                               
 Outgoing EBCDIC/ASCII table  . . TBLFTPOUT      *CCSID                            
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                                                          
 Incoming ASCII/EBCDIC table  . . TBLFTPIN       *CCSID                             
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                                                         
 Application identifier . . . . . APPID          *DFT                                       

Parameters of STRTCPFTP


Specify the Remote system name or ip address. Possible values are as follows

  • *INTNETADR: The INTNETADR parameter is prompted.
  •                      Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP)                     
     Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
     Remote system  . . . . . . . . . RMTSYS       > *INTNETADR                         
     Internet address . . . . . . . . INTNETADR                                         
  • Character-value: specify the remote system name or ip address.

    Here, we need to specify the IPv4 or IPv6 internet address of the remote system for FTP. If the internet address is specified frpm the command line, the internet address must be enclosed within apostrophes.

    An IPv4 internet address is specified as nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.

    An IPv6 internet address is specified as xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx, where x is a hexadecimal digit represents 4 bits. A hexadecimal digit a number from 0 to 9 and letters A, B, C, D, E, F. "::" may be used once in the IPv6 address to indicate one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros. The "::" may be used to compress leading, imbedded, or trailing zeros in the IPv6 address.


    We can specify the ASCII ccsid (coded character set identifier) that is used for SBCS (Single byte character set). DBCS ccsid is not permitted here. Possible values are:

  • *DFT: The CCSID value 00819 is used.
  • 1-65533: We specify the CCSID value and it is ensured that valid SBCS ccsid was requested.
  • PORT

    Here, Specify the port number to be used to connect to FTP server.

    Default, server port 21 is used to connect to the FTP server. Please note that FTP client subcommands OPEN and SECOPEN have an optional parameter PORT which may be used to specify the server port other than 21. Possible values are:

  • *DFT: port 21 is used
  • *SECURE: port 990 is reserved for secure FTP servers which uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol to encrypt data.
  • 1-65535: The requested server port value is used and validated whether in proper range limit. Please note that if 990 is specified then the FTP client will perform the same as if *SECURE was specified.

    Here, specify the type of security mechanism to be used to protect the data transferred on the FTP control connection. Possible values are:

  • *DFT: If the PORT parameter specifies *SECURE or 990, *IMPLICIT is used; otherwise, *NONE is used.
  • *IMPLICIT: The FTP client try to use TLS/SSL when connecting to the FTP server without sending an AUTH (authorization) subcommand to the server. If the server does not support TLS/SSL the connection will get closed.
  • *SSL: After connecting to the FTP server, The FTP client sends an AUTH (authorization) subcommand to request a TLS/SSL protected session. If the server does not support TLS/SSL the connection will get closed.
  • *NONE: The FTP client does not use encryption when connecting to the FTP server.

    Here, specify the type of data protection to be used for data transferred on the FTP data connection. This connection is used to transfer file data. The FTP protocol does not allow protection of the data connection if the control connection is not protected. Possible values are:

  • *DFT: If the SECCNN parameter specifies a protected control connection then *PRIVATE is used otherwise *CLEAR is used.
  • *PRIVATE: data is encrypted in FTP data connection.
  • *CLEAR: data is not encrypted in FTP data connection.

    It is an Outgoing ASCII/EBCDIC table. Here, we specify the table object which is used to map all outgoing data in the FTP client. Outgoing data is mapped from EBCDIC to ASCII. Possible values are:

  • *CCSID: The CCSID parameter is used to determine outgoing mapping.
  • *DFT: The CCSID parameter is used to determine outgoing mapping.
  • Name of Outgoing EBCDIC/ASCII table in Qualifier 1 and *LIBL (All libraries in the user and system portion of the jobs library list are searched until the first match found), *CURLIB (The current library of the job is searched. If no library is set as current library then QGPL is searched), Name of library in Qualifier 2.

    It is an Incoming ASCII/EBCDIC table. Here, we specify the table object which is used to map all incoming data in the FTP client. incoming data is mapped from ASCII to EBCDIC. Possible values are:

  • *CCSID: The CCSID parameter is used to determine incoming mapping.
  • *DFT: The CCSID parameter is used to determine incoming mapping.
  • Name of incoming EBCDIC/ASCII table in Qualifier 1 and *LIBL (All libraries in the user and system portion of the jobs library list are searched until the first match found), *CURLIB (The current library of the job is searched. If no library is set as current library then QGPL is searched), Name of library in Qualifier 2.
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