Example DDS PF with all the Data types in DDS AS400

Example DDS PF with all the Data types in DDS AS400
Example DDS PF with all the Data types in DDS AS400, Data types in DDS AS400, data types in PF, data types in physical file, data types source code in dds pf in as400,ibmi,iseries,systemi
Example DDS PF with all the Data types in DDS AS400


In DDS supported physical file we do specify the data type of the field on fixed position 35. 

Valid Data Types Entries

Basic Data Types in DDS PF
Entry Meaning
A Character
B Binary
F Floating point
H Hexadecimal
L Date
P Packed decimal
S Zoned decimal
T Time
Z Timestamp
5 Binary character
Supported DBCS Data types

There are some other DDS datatypes too that supports DBCS.

Entry Meaning
E DBCS Either
O Open
G Graphics (that uses UCS-2 or UTF-16)

Points to Remember

  • For Character data type (A) decimal positions 36 and 37 would be blank.
  • For Packed decimal(P) and Zoned Decimal(S) data type (P) decimal positions 36 and 37 would contain value from 0 upto 63 max.
  • For Numeric field data type such as packed, zoned and binary positions 37 would contain value 0 to tell its a numeric field.
  • For Binary(B) data type maximum length allowed is 18.
  • For Float(F) data type maximum length allowed is 9 for single precision and FTPCN(*SINGLE) keyword used.
  • For Float(F) data type maximum length allowed is 17 for double precision and FTPCN(*DOUBLE) keyword used.
  • Example DDS source definitions for basic DDS data types with its maximum allowed limits

    Character data type

    For character data type maximum allowed length is 32766 and data type entry used is A.

    For character data type maximum allowed length is 32740 when VARLEN keyword is specfied in DDS PF with character type field and data type entry used is A.

    Character data type definition in DDS PF
    A          R RCDFMT1                                   
    A            CHAR1      32766A
    Character data type definition with VARLEN(Varying length field) in DDS PF
    A          R RCDFMT1                                  
    A            CHAR2      32740A         VARLEN
    Binary data type

    For binary data type maximum allowed length is 18 in DDS PF and data type entry used is B.

    A          R RCDFMT1               
    A            BIN1          18B       
    Floating point data type

    For Floating data type maximum allowed length is 9 for single precision in DDS PF and data type entry used is F with keyword FLTPCN(*SINGLE).

    For Floating data type maximum allowed length is 17 for double precision in DDS PF and data type entry used is F with keyword FLTPCN(*DOUBLE).

    Floating point data type definition for single precision in DDS PF
    A          R RCDFMT1                                   
    A            FLOATS1        9F         FLTPCN(*SINGLE)
    Floating point data type definition for double precision in DDS PF
    A          R RCDFMT1                                  
    A            FLOATD1       17F         FLTPCN(*DOUBLE)
    Hexadecimal data type

    For Hexadecimal data type maximum allowed length is 32766 (treated as character) in DDS PF and data type entry used is H.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            HEXDEC1    32766H
    Date data type

    For Date data type in DDS PF and data type entry used is L.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            DATE1           L
    Packed Decimal data type

    For Packed Decimal data type maximum allowed length is 63 in DDS PF and data type entry used is P.

    Either 63 numeric and 0 decimal places or 0 numeric and 63 decimal places possible.

    A          R RCDFMT1                    
    A            PACKEDDEC1    63P 0        
    A            PACKEDDEC2    63P63        
    Zoned Decimal data type

    For Zoned Decimal data type maximum allowed length is 63 in DDS PF and data type entry used is S.

    Either 63 numeric and 0 decimal places or 0 numeric and 63 decimal places possible

    A          R RCDFMT1                    
    A            PACKEDDEC1    63S 0        
    A            PACKEDDEC2    63S63        
    Time data type

    For Time data type in DDS PF and data type entry used is T.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            TIME1           T   
    TimeStamp data type

    For TimeStamp data type in DDS PF and data type entry used is Z.

    A          R RCDFMT1              
    A            TIMESTAMP1      Z      
    Binary Character data type

    For Binary Character data type maximum allowed length is 32766 in DDS PF and data type entry used is 5.

    A          R RCDFMT1             
    A            BINCHAR1   327665  

    Example DDS source definitions for supported DBCS DDS data types with its maximum allowed limits

    DBCS Only data type

    For DBCS Only data type maximum allowed length is 32766 in DDS PF and data type entry used is J.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            DBCSONLY1  32766J         
    DBCS Only data type with Varying Length

    For DBCS Only with Varying Length data type maximum allowed length is 32740 in DDS PF and data type entry used is J.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            DBCSONLY2  32740J         VARLEN  
    DBCS Either data type

    For DBCS Either data type maximum allowed length is 32766 in DDS PF and data type entry used is E.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            DBCSETHR1  32766E         
    DBCS Either data type with Varying Length

    For DBCS Either with Varying Length data type maximum allowed length is 32740 in DDS PF and data type entry used is E.

    A          R RCDFMT1            
    A            DBCSETHR2  32740E         VARLEN  
    Open data type

    For open data type maximum allowed length is 32766 in DDS PF and data type entry used is O.

    A          R RCDFMT1                                
    A            OPEN1      32766O         CCSID(65535) 
    Open data type with Varying Length

    For Open data type with Varying Length data type maximum allowed length is 32740 in DDS PF and data type entry used is O.

    A          R RCDFMT1                                
    A            OPEN2      32740O         CCSID(65535)  VARLEN
    Graphics data type

    For graphics data type maximum allowed length is 16383 in DDS PF and data type entry used is G.

    CCSID 1200 is used for UTF16

    A          R RCDFMT1                                
    A            GRAP1      16383G         CCSID(1200) 

    CCSID 13488 is also used for UTF16

    A          R RCDFMT1                                
    A            GRAP2      16383G         CCSID(13488) 
    Graphics data type with Varying Length

    For Graphics data type with Varying Length data type maximum allowed length is 16370 in DDS PF and data type entry used is G.

    CCSID 1200 is used for UTF16

    A          R RCDFMT1                                        
    A            GRAPHICS1  16370G         CCSID(1200)  VARLEN 

    CCSID 13488 is used also for UTF16

    A          R RCDFMT1                                        
    A            GRAPHICS2  16370G         CCSID(13488)  VARLEN 

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